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What Every Hurricane Preparation List Should Include.

Hurricane season is an inevitable aspect of living in Florida. From June through November, homeowners brace themselves for the long list of named and anticipated storms that may wreak havoc on their homes and communities. With 28 Atlantic storms named for this year’s hurricane season, you may be wondering what you can do to prepare your home and family for the worst-case scenario. There are several steps you can take now to proactively protect your family, belongings, and property in the event of a hurricane, including:

  • Gathering the appropriate supplies
  • Determining safety plans for your home, family, and pets
  • Photographing your home and valuables
  • Reviewing or buying home and auto insurance policies

What to Include on Your Hurricane Preparation List

The following are items you should include on your hurricane preparation list to best protect your home, belongings, and most importantly, loved ones.

Hurricane Preparation List: Pets

  • ID chips and recent photos of you with your pet(s)
  • Medical records
  • Veterinarian’s phone number and contact information
  • Ample supply of pet food, water, and any medications
  • Leash and collar
  • Water and food bowls
  • Crate or carrier

Hurricane Preparation List: Emergency Kits

  • One Flashlight per person
  • Extra bulbs and batteries (at least two sets for every device)
  • Solar powered charging device
  • Portable radio
  • First aid kit
  • Battery operated fan
  • Matches or lighter
  • Pocket knife/multi-tool
  • Five gallons of gas and a funnel
  • Medications (prescriptions, pain relievers, antacids, etc.)
  • Cash
  • Change of clothes
  • Paper plates, paper towels, disposable utensils, and a can opener
  • Books, games, and puzzles to help keep children occupied and entertained

Hurricane Preparation List: Home Reinforcement

  • Prepare shutters or other coverings for doors and windows
  • Reinforce roof trusses
  • Examine and repair roof shingles
  • Caulk openings, flashings, and soffits
  • Reinforce entry doors
  • Replace hard mulch with soft material
  • Tie down large outdoor equipment

Hurricane Preparation List: Food

  • Rice, pasta, seasonings, oats, dry cereals
  • One gallon of drinking water per day per person
  • Canned fruits, vegetables, beans, and juice
  • Ready-to-eat soups or canned meats, such as tuna fish
  • Nuts and nut butter
  • Bread and crackers
  • Apples or oranges
  • Granola and energy/protein bars
Preparing for a hurricane last minute can be a hassle. Stocking up on supplies and doing a few tasks, such as documenting your home and collecting important documents, like homeowner’s insurance, throughout the year can make it easier to manage. Remember, you can always contact GWK Insurance to help ensure your property is protected in the event of a hurricane.

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